Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Blog Image Context How To Choose Relevant Blog Images

Blog Image Context How To Choose Relevant Blog Images It was mid-autumn, and the air was getting colder. I was walking with a friend down the street, heading to that evening’s symphony performance. As we passed by the county jail on the opposite side of the street, I stopped. I could not believe my eyes. â€Å"Look at that!† I said to my friend. I pointed to the south entrance of the jail building. Now I know that it is commonplace to see photographers with their clients out and about, shooting photos in alleys, the middle of the street, parks, and especially our state capitol grounds library which has soaring two-story Ionic columns and is about the only place around here that you can get that kind of architectural background. But I admit I was surprised to see a photographer out shooting a very-pregnant woman in a tube top on the steps of the county jail. â€Å"What are they doing?† my friend asked. â€Å"I imagine she is having some pregnancy photos taken. You know, the ones that show a baby bump.† â€Å"But why in front of the jail?† â€Å"I assume they want the Art Deco architecture in the background,† I said, hoping it wasn’t because the baby’s father was inside the jail or that she was establishing some horrific self-fulfilling prophecy of where her child would end up. â€Å"I’m not sure the subtlety of the Art Deco elements is really worth it if you have to use the jail as the background.† Our discussion continued as we walked to the concert, ranging from how cold it would be to wear a tube top on that chilly evening to the proclivity for Art Deco to pop up in North Dakota architecture. But I’ve thought about that incident a lot since then, weighing the photographer’s decision to go for an interesting background for her photo and choosing to ignore the context that background provided. Not everyone would know the photo was in front of the jail, but many would. Every image carries, and is in need of, context. This is important when it comes to choosing powerful images for your blog posts. Every Image Needs Context Benign images- stock photos at their worst- carry very little context beyond that of you grabbing a photo for your blog post because you know it’s a best practice to have one. The problem is that even that seemingly innocuous context can work against your great blog post, suggesting that the copy that goes along with this plain vanilla image is just as unexciting. Every image needs context and has its own context, and all of this can work for or against your blog post and the likelihood that someone will read it. 1. A picture is worth a 1,000 words. Any words. A picture is worth a thousand words. But which thousand? On its own, a photo assumes the context the viewer is most comfortable with. Rare is the image that can’t be interpreted differently depending on what the viewer brings to it. One viewer sees complexity while standing before a Pollock painting, and another sees the handiwork of a kindergartner gone mad. That same painting evokes different reactions, too, depending on whether it is hanging in an art gallery or on the wall of an elementary school. A few weeks after the jail photo shoot, I met a friend for coffee. Out of curiosity, I asked her what she would assume if she saw the county jail in the background of baby bump-type photo. â€Å"I’d assume the father of the baby was in jail.† â€Å"Really?† Her reaction surprised me, but maybe she was correct. My assumption had been that the Art Deco elements were the goal, but then again, my major was in art and that’s how I see everything. Pollock’s painting will always be hanging in a gallery for me. The context of your  images helps define the content in which they  appear.Consider your audience. Consider your blog. The thousand words that your image contributes to your post might not be the thousand you were aiming for if you don’t consider who is reading and the blog it is being read on. Tip: In this day and age where it seems as if everyone is looking to be offended, always review the images you select for your blog posts. While you can’t please everyone (and you don’t want to, because that leads to bland, flavorless content), get a set of fresh eyes on the imagery and ask them what they think when they see it with your blog post’s headline and after reading the blog. 2. The words you put with an image changes its impact. Moving beyond the thousand words that your image brings with it, you can include words with images to change its impact. This works best with flexible or peripheral images, those that are illustrating an abstract concept or scenario that could be used lots of ways. These are powerful images because they evoke reader curiosity (which we’ll talk about in a bit). However, they also have to be framed into proper context or confusion arises. For example, imagine an image of a child, head down at a school desk. What does that image mean? If your headline or caption reads: â€Å"Almost half of children don’t eat breakfast before school†... ...your interpretation of that image would be different than if that same text read: â€Å"How to blame your dog for eating your homework, and other productivity hacks†. The same image can mean very different things. The words you use with an image puts it into context so that you don’t have to wonder if the baby’s father was in jail or if the mother loved Art Deco architecture. Recommended Reading:  How To Design The Best Blog Graphics With Free Tools And Design Theory Admittedly, when searching for stock images, we only have keywords to go on, and it’s tough to find images outside of the typical realm of our search. A search on â€Å"productivity† will turn up boring images of computers, notepads, office scenes, and so on. You’ll miss out on those peripheral images that can mean different things in different settings unless you get really good at searching on abstract words for big ideas (which we’ll talk about in a bit). Tip: Use captions with images, and consider captions that do more than indicate where you got the image. Pose a question as a caption, one that the image hints at to answer. Or, use highlighted text or pull quotes in the body of your blog post that frame your images properly. People who are skimming content will see images, headings, and pull quotes. If they are all in contextual sync, the better for you. 3. Images pulled out of context take on new context. Several years ago, I was reading a story online about a man who had been arrested for abusing children after quite a manhunt. The story had only one photo, a small headshot of the reporter who wrote the story. It was the newspaper’s practice to include the headshot of the author. The headshot was a few paragraphs down, embedded in the text of the story, on the right. The problem was that there was no other photo for the story. As this story was shared on social media, the bold headline that told of a man who had committed a horrific crime against children was associated with an image of the reporter. By the next day, the headshot was pulled from the article, so this unfortunate realization must have occurred to the newspaper, too, but I’d already seen the article shared on social media with the grinning reporter next to the headline, insinuating he was the criminal. The first rule would be that you should always have a featured image for every blog post so that your headshot or a random ad doesn’t become the image on social media. But there’s more to it than that. A clever or innocuous image that relies on the body copy of a blog post may seem fine, but when it gets shared on social media, all that people may have to go by is the headline and the image. Is the right context still there? More than ever, headline clarity matters. But so does headline-image match. Look at your blog post’s featured image, the one that you (and others) will be seeing when it is shared on social media. Is the context all wrong? Is the message not what you expected? Tip: If need be, incorporate words into your graphic itself (using Canva.com perhaps) so that wherever the image travels, the context does, too. This is especially helpful if your blog post topic is controversial or evokes strong reactions. Choosing Powerful Images That Work It isn’t easy choosing an image to go with a blog post, matching image with message. Most of the time is devoted to the actual blog post, and it’s pretty common to toss an image in as an afterthought just before you publish. The image, however, is doing some serious work (such as helping your blog post get read on already image-saturated social networks), so you should give it serious consideration. Recommended Reading:  How To Make The Best Blog Graphics (For Non-Designers) I came up with a few ways to approach making a decision about images you will use with your blog posts. Whether you use all or some from this list is up to you. 1. Your image must stand out. Getting your image to stand out isn’t easy. Every social network is overrun with images. The methods you’ll use to get your image to stand out are, quite simply: Color Startling image Using humor. Humor is probably the easiest way to go when it comes to creating a startling image that stands out, but when everyone does it...no one does it well after a while. This is particularly the case with memes. I know that a lot of blog posts recommend using memes and other pop-culture images, but I suggest proceeding with caution in how you choose those types of images. We’ve all seen the Boromir â€Å"One does not simply†¦Ã¢â‚¬  meme to death, or the Dos Equis Most Interesting Man In The World meme. Neither are particularly funny at this point, and are almost completely ignorable. In other words, they are no longer a startling image because they became overused. Humor startles when it’s fresh and stinks when it’s stale. Shake up assumptions. Startling images are hard to come by, at this point, and completely subjective. However, you can use an image out of typical context and make a strong point for your blog post that is completely within your context. An example is an image I found for a post Garrett wrote several years ago. Despite the age of the post, that image still comes to mind even now. In his post, he introduced the concept of content marketing to readers, and discussed how it was different from traditional marketing forms. While looking for an image to illustrate the post, I considered the usual suspects: stock photos of computers, people, pens on notebooks, guy holding a loudspeaker- you know the kind of generic images I’m talking about. And then I found this: The color (or the lack thereof) is striking, but the image itself is also startling. And the image, in conjunction with the title (â€Å"What Is Content Marketing?†), is startling, too. It inspires curiosity that could get someone to read your blog post, because what would a post-apocalyptic dystopia have to do with content marketing? When I stumbled across the image in the stock photo gallery, I was immediately drawn to it, and it suddenly occurred to me that it perfectly illustrated the problem that content marketing solved. In the wasteland of marketing, there had to be a better solution. I captioned the image, â€Å"Traditional marketing has desensitized our audience and made them tune out our message. What now?† and used it to tap into the initial problem that filled the introductory paragraphs of the blog post (to which content marketing was the eventual solution, of course). Another example is this post, a blog post about capturing ideas. Avoiding the usual imagery of a lightbulb, post-it notes, or someone with question marks above their head, I went with goldfish in a bowl that had striking orange-blue (complementary/opposite) colors. An example of blog image context with an unusual, interesting visual. Tip: The best image is the one that makes you ask a different question about your blog post. Instead of merely illustrating the blog post’s obvious concepts or generic associations, try finding an image that illustrates an abstract concept in a surprising way. 2. Your image should illustrate the idea. Not every post will have a post-apocalyptic dystopian photo to go with it (nor should it), but you should always try to match your graphics up to the big idea in your post. What I mean is that your post is about something bigger than a computer keyboard or a jar of pens or whatever other generic stock photo image you so often see on blog posts. Boring imagery often illustrates objects that are related to the topic instead of the higher concepts. Sure, a computer is related to content marketing, but who cares? This is tricky, particularly if you are pressed for time and know that you need to have an image with every blog post so that it fares well on social media. It takes serious time to find or create images that perform this level of illustration. One of my favorite illustrations is the one Ashton did  for a blog post I wrote about creating content for fragmented audiences. When Ashton finished the illustration and sent it to me for review, I absolutely loved it. She illustrated the big idea perfectly, showing two forms of fragmentation (generational and device use) in one simple image. The image hit on concrete points in the post as well as showed, at a glance, the challenge a fragmented audience presented to content marketers. The post-apocalyptic dystopia image from #1 fits this criteria, too, by addressing the big idea behind the problem which requires the solution outlined in the blog post. Any image is better than none (mostly), but part of your editorial planning should be about deciphering the big idea in your post and finding or creating imagery that illustrates that instead of peripheral objects or actions that don’t mean anything. Tip: When you finish writing your blog post, sum it up in one sentence for yourself. Find the big idea, and then find an image to illustrate that specific idea instead of finding an image to illustrate your blog post in general. 3. Your image could evoke curiosity. As long as your image isn’t fighting the proper context (i.e. suggesting the opposite of what your blog post is about), it could function successfully even if it is vague (sort of like the examples in #1). Let’s take a look at an old blog post of mine from several years ago. The blog post is about how the people you follow on social media can actually change you and how you view and react to things. When I set about trying to find an image that would go with the post, I wanted to avoid social media logos, stock photo people, or those creepy white stock photo balloon stick figures. But this was a tough topic to find an image for. Should I find something that illustrated the concept of following? Of social media? Of change? These were abstract ideas, which are hard to find images for. I decided to focus on the idea of â€Å"view†, and I ended up using this image: It was visually strong with its graphic circles and bold red element, fulfilling #1. It’s a photo of camera filters, suggesting the idea of how the people we follow on social media filter our understanding and view. Now, in hindsight, I’d have gone back into the post to rework the copy a bit to highlight this concept, freely using the camera/lense/viewfinder/filter analogy so that it would make better sense to the reader. That would have made it work better. Tip: Write your post. And then, if you find a fantastic image that evokes curiosity, go back and edit your post so it fits. Sometimes the image can inspire the copy, and that’s perfectly fine. How Will You Explore Blog Image Context? In a nutshell, this post is about understanding how context can affect a reader’s interpretation of an image, and what you can do to frame that context. And then, it’s about playing around a bit with context, bending those rules as far as you can so that you choose blog post images that really get attention and get readers to read. Recommended Reading: We’ve written a lot of posts to help you with both choosing and creating images for your blog content. Are You Sure You’re Using Copyright Free Images For Your Blog? Should You Use Stock Or Free Images For Blog Posts? Color Psychology In Content Marketing: The Ultimate Color Guide

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Quiz About Quotation Marks

A Quiz About Quotation Marks A Quiz About Quotation Marks A Quiz About Quotation Marks By Mark Nichol Use of quotation marks for dialogue is fairly straightforward; several posts on this website that deal with the topic can by found by searching for â€Å"quotation marks.† This quiz deals with other uses of these emphasis markers. Read the following sample sentences, determine the problem with the use of quotation marks, and devise a solution. (Note that I use single quotation marks rather than double quotation marks because of my custom of framing the entire sample sentence in a pair of the latter.) Then, take a look at my revisions and explanations at the bottom of the page and see how they compare with your changes: 1. â€Å"The IQ evaluation provides a ‘snapshot’ of a child’s cognitive skills at a particular point in time.† 2. â€Å"Perry is connecting with a growing number of Republicans because of his uncompromising rhetoric and his back-slapping, guy-who-married ‘the first girl I dated’ persona.† 3. â€Å"Consider the glass ‘half full and not half empty.’† 4. â€Å"The old fixer-upper looks like it was designed by â€Å"The Amityville Horror† house architect.† (This example is from a newspaper; many such publications use quotation marks, rather than italics, to denote titles of films, books, and other self-contained compositions.) 5. â€Å"They reviewed cross-border reproductive care, or â€Å"medical tourism,† as an increasing phenomenon in respect to egg donation.† 6. â€Å"Our waterworks have reached the classic ‘run to failure’ moment.† 7. â€Å"He used scientific reasoning to show that singing and dancing could cure melancholy by stirring up the ‘secretions’ in the human ‘machine.’† Answers and Explanations 1. The informal usage of a word need not be excused with what are sometimes called apologetic quotation marks (what I refer to frequently in these posts by a more common label: scare quotes): â€Å"The IQ evaluation provides a snapshot of a child’s cognitive skills at a particular point in time.† 2. This sentence attempts to allude to erstwhile presidential candidate Rick Perry’s pride that he married the first girl he dated, but the writer, after a promising start in which they began stringing the relevant words together in an extended hyphenated phrasal adjective, fumbles by attempting to employ a direct quote. The best solution would be to abandon the attempt at direct quotation and fold a paraphrase into the adjective string: â€Å"Perry is connecting with a growing number of Republicans because of his uncompromising rhetoric and his back-slapping, guy-who-married-the-first-girl-he-dated persona.† 3. This reference to the idiomatic metaphors for optimism and pessimism implies that there is an idiom consisting of the phrase â€Å"half full and not half empty.† However, only the distinct antonyms â€Å"half full† and â€Å"half empty† are valid, and there is no reason to enclose them in quotes (also, a comma seems more effective than the conjunction and): â€Å"Consider the glass half full, not half empty.† 4. Here, the writer is attempting to employ the first word of the movie title as a direct article for the framing sentence, but it cannot serve double duty. In this case, it is acceptable to transfer the to duty with the sentence and leave the title temporarily bereft of the direct article that begins it (â€Å"The old fixer-upper looks like it was designed by the ‘Amityville Horror’ house architect†). However, the sentence would read more smoothly if it were relaxed, including the insertion of a couple of additional direct articles and the retention of the full movie title: â€Å"The old fixer-upper looks like it was designed by the architect who designed the house in ‘The Amityville Horror.’† 5. This sentence is doubly irritating. As in the first example above, the scare quotes are extraneous. In addition, it seems illogical to me to introduce the gloss (brief definition) of the phrase â€Å"medical tourism† before it; why, then, bother introducing the idiom at all? Use a term-then-gloss structure: â€Å"They reviewed medical tourism, or cross-border reproductive care, as an increasing phenomenon in respect to egg donation.† (A compromise is to explicitly identify the idiom as such following the literal description for the topic in question: â€Å"They reviewed cross-border reproductive care, known popularly as medical tourism, as an increasing phenomenon in respect to egg donation.†) 6. The phrase â€Å"run to failure† may be a partial quotation from someone, but unless it is a clever coinage heretofore unfamiliar to readers (and even then, use the explanatory solution in the fifth example, above), the phrase should simply be strung together as a phrasal adjective: â€Å"Our waterworks have reached the classic run-to-failure moment.† 7. Trick question in the original context, as least, it’s clear that â€Å"secretions† is a direct quote. Sometimes, it’s best to indicate that an unusual word was actually written or spoken by the source, and sometimes, scare quotes are helpful (as in the case of those framing machine, which may well have also been a direct quote). In this case, I’d leave the sentence as is. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Coordinating vs. Subordinating Conjunctions25 Russian Words Used in English (and 25 More That Should Be)Using "May" in a Question

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Does leadership style effect how organisational change is implemented Essay

Does leadership style effect how organisational change is implemented - Essay Example s of organizational change with special reference to the change models of Lewin and Kotter, the importance of various leadership styles and how they effect organizational changes and focuses on the other factors that facilitate organizational changes. The methodology section of the paper makes use of the qualitative approach and the research design consists of the leadership style survey of Lewin which was conducted among the managers and CEOs of various organizations and a direct interview specially designed for the employees who served in various organizations. .The major themes derived out of the survey and the interviews are elaborately discussed and analyzed in Chapter 4. The conclusions of the study show that leadership styles do affect how organizational change is implemented and prove that it is the democratic or participative approach to leadership style that best suits during organizational changes. The results of the study are equally beneficial to the managers as well as the work force in the whole of management scenario. The following chapter details the aim of this research project and gives an insight into the concepts of organizational change, leadership styles and how leadership styles affect how organizational changes are implemented. An overview of the topic as well as the justification for the topic is also dealt with. . The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate the correlation between various leadership styles and how organisational change is implemented under each of them. Therefore, the general research question is, â€Å"Does leadership style effect how organisational change is implemented?† The paper also tries to explore how different leadership styles de-motivate or motivate staff, and how employees respond to organizational changes under various leadership styles. The primary purpose of the paper is to identify which of the leadership styles best suit organizations during organizational change. The research topic is organizational

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

3 questions need answers Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

3 questions need answers - Coursework Example Musical examples combining these are; Tossin and Turnin (Bobby Lewis), Hey Little Cobra (Bruce and Terry), Dream Love (Bobby Darin), The Happy Organ (Dave Cortez) and The Twist (Chubby Checker). In America in the 1950s, popular music dominated and totally defined musical trends. Earlier on at the end of the World War II, swing had been replaced by classic pop. The post war swing put emphasis on orchestration while pop focused on storyline and emotions. 1950s saw emotional delivery in pop music reaching the apex especially in the miniature psycho-drama songs by Johnnie Ray, a singer and writer. Due to the fan hysteria at this time when most of the fans were teenagers, the birth of other genres like rock n roll came to root through the original pioneers. This evolution was caused by amongst others; Jezebel (Cry of the Wild Goose), Johnnie Ray (The Four Lads), Frank Sinatra (Young at Heart), Tony Bennett (Cold) and Rosemary Clooney (Come On-a My House). These two bodies came to aid artists in their music given that radio stations had the habit of discriminating against some upcoming musicians. Moreover, even the established artists were not benefitting from the music they created and there was an inevitable move to try and harmonize conditions in the industry

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Tv Cooking Show Essay Example for Free

Tv Cooking Show Essay Ever sit at home with nothing to do? That’s how I feel all the time! Especially when I’m off from school, work, and simply everything. When I have nothing to do, my basic routine is to sit on the couch with my dog and turn on the TV. If Disney Channel is not an option to watch, I would turn to channel fifty-three, the Food Network. Watching the Food Network brightens my knowledge to a variety of cooking. The show taught me how to filet a fish, how to grill a lobster to perfection, and how to make one amazing pork chop. To be honest, without the Food Network shows, I would still be able to cook, but the foods would not be as good and flavorful. If I did not watch any cooking show, the only way for me to cook would be out of my crock pot. My foods without any lessons from the TV would be plain, tasteless, and simple. Being a student at Louisiana Culinary Institute, cooking and baking hold a very promising place in my life. Although it’s out of boredom that I watch the Food Network, cooking and baking is what I do everyday. Growing up I loved watching my mom and grandma do what they do best in the kitchen cooking. Admiring and watching them brought me to my passion in the culinary field. Watching them cook taught me a few things as well. Even though my cooking can not be compared to theirs, it does come pretty close. When I watch the Food Network, my favorite show is â€Å"Diners, Dive-Ins, and Dives† with the host and chef, Guy Fieri. This show is perfect for me because I love to travel and I love to eat. The show is about Guy Fieri’s quest around the world to find the best diners that serve the best foods. Good foods, cheap prices, lay-back locations, and traveling is all that I can ask for, and this show have gotten my vote. Not only do I find out where to eat, I also learn how some of these amazing foods are prepared. What more can I ask for? Every year, traveling is always on my calendar and agenda. When I travel, the most important thing is location, where to eat, and prices. Watching â€Å"Diners, Dive-Ins, and Dives† helps me know where I can go to eat when I’m out of town and help me save money. The thing that is so interesting when I watch Guy Fieri’s show is that anything that I crave for at home, I can make for myself if the restaurant is not around. The show taught me how to cook delicious foods within my price range. Watching the show helps me plan any road-trips much easier. It doesn’t matter where I travel, Guy Fieri can always refer me to a good place to dine.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Franciscan Order; A Victim of its own Success Essay -- essays rese

The Franciscan movement was a religious order that arose out of one man’s ideologies and beliefs. St. Francis of Assisi’s ideals of absolute poverty, obedience, humility, and simplicity were uncomplicated and basic, but during his life and even shortly after his death these ideologies were gradually shifting and causing a great amount of debate. The immense size of the Franciscan Order combined with the mass amount of popularity that the Order gained made changes in the ideology and objectives of Francis’ messages and teaching almost an inevitable necessity. Some could argue that in many ways the Franciscan Order’s original ideologies were a victim of the movement’s success. This is evident in the main rules of the Order, what the rules were initially like during the life of Francis, and what they became after his death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Saint Francis of Assisi was born in 1182 into a wealth family. His father was Peter Bernardone, a wealthy cloth merchant. Throughout Francis’ childhood he experienced many of the physical pleasures in life; however, gradually he began to have visions from the divine. The first vision appeared when he was fighting with knights against Assisi’s enemies, the second during a night of merriment and celebration, and a third when he was praying at the ruined Church of San Damiano. During the latter vision, Francis heard a voice coming from the crucifix telling him to rebuild the Church. Francis sold many of his father’s assets and gave the money to San Damiano, but his father was unimpressed. Francis publicly denounced his father, striping naked and throwing his clothes at his father, saying that his only father from that point on was the divine. For a time Francis wandered unsure of what to do, until he had his fourth divine vision on February 28, 1206. He realized that his true mission in life was the imitation of the life of Christ. Francis took to begging, and wandering from town to town, caring for those less fortunate than himself, and taking only what was necessary for his survival. After a time, Francis accumulated a small number of followers and soon realized that some rules would have to be formulated to govern his order. On April 6th 1209 the order began when Francis said, â€Å"He that will come after me, let him deny himself†¦This, my brothers, is our life and rule and that of all those who shall wish to join... ... and also made the Order increasingly difficult to govern. This difficulty in governance often forced the Order to turn to the Pope for guidance, thus creating a dangerous reliance on the Pope and making the order submissive to a potentially oppressive and dogmatic power. Likewise, the popularity of the movement contributed to its size. The more popular the Order was the more people joined it. The popularity also contributed to the relaxing of the standards of poverty, humility and simplicity. Money and gifts were given to the Order, jobs with a degree of power and prestige were offered to members of the Order by the Pope, and many other circumstances. The Order itself had become a worldly institution rather than a wandering group of poor friars as Francis had intended. With such undermining of the original ideals and objectives of St. Francis, a split in the Order seems almost inevitable. Final Word Count: 2971  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sources/ Works Cited Burr, D. Olivi and Franciscan Poverty: The Usus Pauper Controversy. Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989. Moorman, J. A History of the Franciscan Order. UK; Oxford University Press, 1968.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Emerging Women Politicians Essay

The main political documents of the period confirm this point. The Declaration of Independence (1776) espoused no theory of women’s rights, saying merely that all men are created equal, without defining exactly what this meant. The new state constitutions, ratified a short time later, generally excluded women from exercising any political power, frequently in a more specific manner than before. There was one exception: the state of New Jersey. Either by design or by chance, the framers of its constitution wrote that â€Å"all inhabitants of this Colony, of full age, who are worth fifty pounds,† 5 and have been residents for 12 months, â€Å"shall be entitled to vote,† 5 and this was construed to include unmarried women otherwise qualified. Even though not too several of those eligible took advantage of the opportunity at first, a number of single or widowed New Jersey women ultimately went to the polls and cast ballots. However this turn of events did not cause similar happenings elsewhere. Most other states, start with New York in 1777, had made sure that women could not vote by using the word â€Å"male† to explain potential electors. In fact, in no case did the rights of women become a public issue; their exclusion was just taken for granted. The reasons for excluding women from the political process were not generally spelled out in print. However, the statement of Theophilus Parsons of Massachusetts in an extensively read tract recognized as the Essex Result (1778) most likely well expressed the prevailing male view. Whereas Parsons affirmed that women must not vote for the reason that they were unworldly, Thomas Jefferson, in a letter discussing the question of representation, later argued that women must be barred from all political activity so as to prevent them from becoming worldly. This would protect their morals, which, he said, would become endangered if they mixed promiscuously in the public meetings of men. In these comments and others like them, patriotic contributions to the war endeavour were ignored and long-standing ideas regarding women’s morals and supposed â€Å"domestic† nature were considered dominant. (Letters of delegates to Congress, 1774-1789) Even though the above statements most likely embodied the point of view of most men, it is obvious that not all women readily consented to being barred from political life. Hannah Lee Corbin, sister of the famous Virginian Richard Henry Lee, for one, objected to this conduct. In a strongly worded letter to her brother in 1777, she urged him to support suffrage rights as a minimum for property-holding widows. She asserted that since such women paid taxes it was unjust to impose a system of taxation without representation upon them. In the meantime, there is evidence to illustrate that quite a few women had a high level of political awareness, in spite of their restricted â€Å"intercourse with the world. † (Letters of delegates to Congress, 1774-1789) Among northern women, two of the most well versed in politics were Sarah (Sally) Livingston Jay and Catherine (Kitty) Livingston, daughters of New Jersey governor William Livingston and both married to politically active men. Sally Jay, the wife of diplomat John Jay of New York, escorted her husband during the war on his imperative foreign mission to Spain. Her letters back home were time after time filled with political subjects, while sometimes she felt the need to apologize for having â€Å"transgress’d the line that I proposed to observe in my correspondence by dipping into politicks, but my country and my friends possess so entirely my thoughts that you must not wonder if my pen runs beyond the dictates of prudence. † 6 Kitty Livingston’s letters were even more greatly political than those of her sister. All through the 1780s, she corresponded with major congressional figures like Gouverneur Morris and her brother-in-law John Jay, presenting comments on national affairs, particularly concerning the actions of Congress. On one occasion, Kitty’s brother, Henry Brockholst Livingston, remarked to her: â€Å"I know your bent for Politics, and how little you value a Letter in which a few pages are not taken up with news. †

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Bureaucracy and self-government Essay

When a government creates policies, regulations, laws and guidelines, it rigorously and astutely applies them through what is called an act and service of public administration. Public administration is then implemented within an organizational structure. The bureaucracy that this structure operates illustrate the various operatives and/or personnel and/or leaders that makes the decision and leads the methodologies, tactics and strategies to implement the said policies, regulations, laws and guidelines. The bureaucracy is likewise responsible in ensuring the efficient and effective ways and means for such act and service. In executing its mandate, public administration must be dynamic. It must have a natural course of evolution and appropriate change and improvements that responds to the multifarious and complex demands of public service; constituent needs and demands and expectations. â€Å"Bureaucracy and Self-Government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  is a book that gives enlightenment and on how concepts of public administration renders its appropriate service to the American people. The Book’s Insights Bureaucracy in its principle is the rational and academic structure of the organizational process in rendering service and implementing policies and procedures of any institution – like the government. The positive principle of bureaucracy has however evolved into a negative context in the modern time wherein red tape and other forms of inadequacies. It is because the bureaucracy in rendering public administration operates within two types of concepts. It is therefore very important and interesting that Dr. Cook laid out in his book that public administration in American politics is operated both within the instrumental concept and in the constitutive concept. The instrumental concept believes that the job of bureaucracy in public administration is to execute the instructions of public officials. Within the simplicity of this concept there lies the insufficiency of complete rendering of public service. That is the reason why Dr. Cook has outlined that the past two centuries of America is a struggle to create life and meaning and expectations of the instrumental concept of public administration and service. The constitutive concept believes that the job of bureaucracy in public administration is to shape and characterize public policy and political community. This concept allows formative methods that bring shape and structure to laws and policies of government. Creativity and dynamic insights and foresights of government officials and public administrators are exercised in using this concept. The concluding insight of Dr. Cook in â€Å"Bureaucracy and Self-Government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  outlines principles of responsible public administration. Firstly, with proper responsibility in governing and administering comes along an unlimited ability. A complete and consummate commitment to adherence to the law must be characterized in the proponents of public administration. Government leaders and officials must take the rule of law as their way of life. Secondly, within the rule of law â€Å"an adequate sphere of constitutionally legitimate independence must be carved†. (Cook, 1996, page 177). This principle is coherent with what government administrators have sworn to in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities. It is important that discretion of the law is carried out with integrity. The Book’s Presentation The book is presented in a very scholarly format. He extensive experience of Dr. Brian J. Cook in the study of politics and public administration render authority on the subject matter. The book is seemingly passionate in pursuing ways and means for public administration to still attain its ideals. The book traced well established historical background that served the impetus on how American government administration and management has evolved – thus providing the foundation of the conduct and manner of public administration of modern day. Whatever the course of history and evolution American politics and public administration may have tracked and traced, the book offers confidence and hope that the better of valor shall surface in public administration in America. The Book’s Author Dr. Brian J. Cook is presently a Professor in the Center for Public Administration and Policy in the School of Public and International Affairs of Virginia Tech. He earned his BA degree in Political Science in 1977 from Cleveland State University with magna cum laude honors. His further education in government and politics earned him is masters in 1982 and doctorate in 1984 – both from the University of Maryland. He has taught; lectured and done research on politics and government since 1979. Dr. Cook has been endowed with numerous foundation and university grants and government sponsored research. He has written and published three books: â€Å"Bureaucratic Politics and Regulatory Reform: The EPA and Emissions Trading† (1988); â€Å"Bureaucracy and Self-Government: Reconsidering the Role of Public Administration in American Politics† (1996) and â€Å"Democracy and Administration: Woodrow Wilson’s Ideas and the Challenges of Public Management† (2007). In addition he has written and published numerous book chapters; peer reviewed and non-reviewed articles; book reviews; conference papers and reports covering a very wide array of thoughts, principles and theories in American politics, government, administration policies. (Brian J. Cook Curriculum Vitae, 2008, pages 1-2) Works Cited: Cook, Brian J. Bureaucracy and Self-Government: Reconsidering the Role of Public Administration in American Politics John Hopkins University Press, 1996 Brian J. Cook Curriculum Vitae, September 2008 http://www. cpap. vt. edu/doc/BJC_Curriculum_Vitae_09-08. pdf [accessed 2 June 2009]

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Abstract or Not essays

Abstract or Not essays The painting I have picked is Vincent Van Goghs The Starry Night, which was done on oil canvas, in 1889. I'm not really familiar with Van Gogh's work, but this is one piece of work of his that stands out to me. Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night is an excellent painting in which Van Gogh paints a picture that is colorful and descriptive. This painting can be described as puzzling and fascinating. It can signify a variety of moods, objects, and atmosphere. Artwork can be, and was, found around the whole world. What makes art interesting is that it can be created in any way, shape or form with any materials. It seems that the artwork can also tell us a lot about the artist. In this case, the artwork is abstract art because of the following reasons. For example if you look at the sky in this picture you can see how it is in a swirling motion, in real life you would not see this kind of thing happening. In addition if you look at the stars in the sky they are unusually depicted making them look really big and bright, in real life you would not see stars like these unless your drunk or an asteroid was falling. Real stars are very small, not as bright as the ones in the painting and you could barely see them sometimes. Another way of telling that this painting is abstract art is by how bright of the light of the stars and moons are where they are almost lighting up the whole town. In real life the moon and stars could light up a town but not as bright as the one in the picture. In conclusion this painting has many different feelings, meaning a person could see it totally differently then how I saw this picture. This piece of art had some things that were actually real life though, like the town and the big tree, moon and stars. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Best AP Biology Books 2019 Full Expert Reviews

The Best AP Biology Books 2019 Full Expert Reviews SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips It’s extremely important to have reliable books for learning and studying the material covered in AP classes. This is particularly true for AP Biology considering the complexity and breadth of the course's content. The format of the AP Biology exam was modified significantly in 2013, and there are some books that have kept up with the changes better than others. In this article, I’ll tell you which books are your best bet for acing AP Biology and which ones you should use only at your own risk! What’s in This Guide? This is my take on the best books to help you do well in AP Biology (the class and the exam!). In the first two sections, I’ve included the best textbook as well as a few high-quality review books. In the third section, I’ve included a couple of review books from popular prep companies that I rate a bit lower. I wanted to give you more specific details about the issues with these books so that you can supplement them appropriately if you have already bought them (or choose to buy them because you’re used to the format). My assessments of these AP Biology books are derived from Amazon reviews by students and educators as well as my personal impressions after perusing them. I’ll provide pros and cons for each book along with an overall summary of what it offers and whether I recommend it. I've also rated each book on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest score. The Best AP Biology Textbook Campbell Biology 11th Edition Price: $146 new Pros Good, easy-to-follow organizational structure. Great examples that will help you understand biological concepts. Helpful illustrations and diagrams throughout. Clear writing style. It’s used in real college classes, not just AP classes, so it could even be useful to you in the future! Cons Students sometimes complain that this book is overly dense and wordy. It’s pricey! But you can choose to buy a used version for about $50 cheaper. Summary This text is one of the most universally accepted college-level biology books. It’s written at a high-level, but, according to student feedback, it appears that most people have found it relatively easy to understand and generous in its use of diagrams and examples. I would recommend this book as a reliable AP Biology textbook if you’re self-studying or are having a lot of trouble understanding your in-class textbook. Rating: 9/10 The Best AP Biology Review Books This is a list of the review books that I think will be most helpful to students studying for the AP Biology exam. The highest-rated books include comprehensive coverage of the course material, excellent practice questions, and helpful test-taking and study planning tips for students. Preparing for the Biology AP Exam (School Edition) Price: $17 new Pros Includes high-quality free response and multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter that align well with the content of the updated AP Biology exam. Effectively highlights the most important things you need to know about each topic area. Encourages readers to make connections between topics, which is critical on the new version of the exam. Cons I haven’t seen any complaints about this book! Summary Even though this review book technically goes with a specific textbook, you can use it on its own just as easily. From all that I’ve read, this book is a solid, well-organized representation of the content and format of the current exam. Rating: 9/10 Sterling AP Biology Practice Questions: High Yield AP Biology Questions Price: $22 new Pros Includes over 1,500 high-quality practice questions that are diverse and not repetitive. The material and difficulty level aligns well with the new format of the exam (lots of molecular and cell biology questions). There are detailed answer explanations for all questions that will teach you important concepts for the exam. The book is accompanied by online resources that will give you more practice testing opportunities. Questions are divided by subject area so that if you are having trouble with a particular portion of the curriculum you can focus on that material specifically. Cons It’s a less guided studying experience than some other books- you have to be able to plan your time responsibly to get the most out of the questions and explanations. This book is pretty much just questions; it doesn’t provide an overview of the content in textbook-like form. It's not so great for students who are self-studying because you’ll want to have some background knowledge before diving into practice questions (although the answer explanations will help you). Summary If you’re in an AP Biology class and already have access to a textbook, I would definitely recommend this book as a study aid for the exam. You might buy this book along with another book on this list that has more information about test-taking strategies and overall exam format. If you use this book as a resource for practice questions, you can use another book to get a concise overview of the material on the exam to supplement your studying. This is not a stand-alone AP Biology book, but it is an awesome tool to have in your arsenal. Rating: 9/10 CliffsNotes AP Biology 5th Edition Price: $17 print, $10 digital Pros Includes sections with information on the format of the exam, test-taking strategies, and how to answer different types of questions. There are two full practice exams with answers and explanations. Includes a detailed overview of all the labs and major content areas (with review sections) at the end of each chapter to help you to retain the background information you need for the exam. The actual content is well-aligned with the new AP Biology exam (although practice materials could be better). Cons It’s relatively dense, and the amount of text might be overwhelming to some students. Many reviewers commented that the book was informative but didn’t necessarily prepare them well for the new format of the AP Biology test. Summary This book is helpful if you’re looking to clarify some of the concepts you'll learn in your AP Biology class and see a more concise summary of the information. I wouldn’t recommend relying on it completely as your only source of review material because many students felt that it didn’t give them all the tools they needed to do well on the new, less memorization-heavy AP Biology exam. If you get this book, you should also do lots of supplemental practice questions that are more aligned with the way the new exam is formatted. It’s a good baseline resource for content, though! Rating: 8/10 Barron’s AP Biology 6th Edition Price: $13 new Pros Covers all the basic information you’ll need for the exam. Practice questions will help you to memorize key facts and concepts. Diagrams are plentiful and easy to understand. The overall layout is pleasing to the eye and may be easier to read than other less well-designed review books. Cons Students complain that there is too much superfluous content and that the book is sparse on important test-taking tips. Content has not been fully updated to reflect recent changes to the AP Biology exam. Practice questions are mostly fact and memorization based and don’t fully prepare you for the analytical format of the current AP Biology test. There seems to be a consensus that the free response questions in this book are particularly bad and are not at all comparable to free response questions on the new exam. Summary This is a mediocre review book overall. You can probably use it to review the content you need to know for the test or to help you understand concepts in your AP class, but I wouldn’t recommend relying solely on the practice test materials and testing strategies in this book. Barron’s is usually pretty dependable, but it seems like this book may be a bit tedious and out of date. Rating: 6/10 Review Books to Avoid or Use Only as Supplements This section is for books that aren’t the greatest, but you might already have them or plan on buying them because you’re most familiar with their corresponding prep companies. These books can still be somewhat useful, but I would advise that you supplement them with other review books that I’ve rated higher in the previous section. I’ll go through the pros and cons of each of them so you can get a better idea of where and why they fall short. 5 Steps to a 5 AP Biology 2018 Price: $9 new Pros Guides you through the creation of a study plan that fits your needs. Covers the four â€Å"Big Ideas† in the AP curriculum and has plenty of information about the facts you’ll need to know for the test. Cons Content review is pretty dense and difficult to get through. Practice questions are very memorization-based, so they won’t prepare you very well for the new format of the AP exam. Summary This book does a good job of outlining a study plan for the test, so it might help you in structuring your prep time. Its coverage of AP Biology concepts is thorough, but it's not the easiest to study. If you get this book, you should use other sources for additional practice questions to ensure you're getting the most out of your studying (the Sterling book in the first section could be a good place to start). Rating: 5/10 Cracking the AP Biology Exam 2018 Edition (Princeton Review) Price: $17 print Pros Starts with a high-level overview of how to plan out your studying and how to use the book effectively, so it’s easy to follow. The book walks you through the process of designing a study plan for your individual needs. Extensive section on test-taking tips, including mnemonic devices that will come in handy during the exam. Text in the content review section is broken up so that it’s easy to read and not too overwhelming- diagrams are plentiful. Key terms and practice questions are provided at the end of each content chapter. Cons Information isn’t as in-depth as it should be. Main complaints were that this book is too shallow and simple for a really good review of the AP Biology curriculum. Practice questions may be less difficult compared to the real test. Not fully updated to reflect the types of questions you’ll see on the current AP Biology exam (lots of memorization-based practice questions). Summary I tend to like Princeton Review books because they’re very student-friendly and not as dry as some other review books. However, it seems like this book has some of the same issues as other review books on this list in its attempts to adapt to the new format of the AP exam. I think the main positive aspect of this book is that it gives you a strong foundation for planning out your studying and approach to the test. I’d recommend supplementing this book’s content and practice questions with another more comprehensive review book on this list. Rating: 5/10 Kaplan AP Biology 2018-2019 Price: $15 print, $16 digital Pros The book is structured around the four â€Å"Big Ideas† that are a feature of the new exam format, so its content is pretty well-aligned with the current state of AP Biology. Very detailed review of concepts with helpful diagrams. Cons Some students might not like the fact that the review questions are divided by the four â€Å"Big Ideas† in AP Biology and not by smaller chapter sections- this makes it more difficult to use the book as a focused review tool. The book is a bit long-winded, so it’s not as easy to quickly go over concepts. This book tries too hard to relate to students and writes some test-taking tips in an oblique way (i.e. one of the tips for free response questions is "Writing Smart Stuff Gets You Points"; it's simplified to the point where it doesn't even mean anything without reading the rest of the wordy explanation). Practice questions are not fully aligned with the new, more analytical exam format. Summary This book is ok as far as content goes, but it’s not that easy to use as a review tool overall. It won't help you much with the actual ins and outs of the AP test. You should supplement it with another book that gives you access to better practice questions and more concise content summaries. Rating: 4/10 Which AP Biology Book(s) Should You Get? Which Should You Avoid? I don't think there are any review books that are horrible enough for you to avoid at all costs, but there are quite a few that won't do much for you by themselves. The point of a review book is to prepare you for the AP Biology test specifically. Accurate and comprehensive biology content isn't enough. It's more important to have access to practice questions that are a faithful reflection of what will be on the test. You don't want to be in a position where you know a lot about biology but are unable to apply the facts you know to scenarios you haven't seen before when you take the test. When choosing from this list of books, you should consider your individual needs as well as the nature of the test. If you think you'll need more guidance in structuring your test prep, you might buy one of the books that gives more instruction on how to devise a study plan (even if it's in the lower-rated section, like 5 Steps to a 5). You could supplement that review book with another book from the higher-rated section that has great practice questions. Make sure your review books and textbooks cover all the important bases. This means that they should give you the tools you need to create a study plan, learn biology content, and do relevant practice questions. Reference real versions of the post-2012 AP Biology test to compare questions on the test with the practice questions you've been doing and confirm that you're on the right track! What's Next? Itching to get started with AP Bio prep right away? We cover cell theory, enzymes, cell structures (endoplasmic reticulum and cell membrane), homologous and analogous structures, and the photosynthesis equation with subject-specific guides. Are you taking AP US History in addition to AP Biology? Read our guide for more information on the best AP US History textbooks. If you're like most high-achieving students, you're probably wondering how many AP classes you really need to take to get accepted to an elite college. Check out this article to learn how many AP classes you should take based on your goals. Are you still investigating different options for earning college credit while still in high school? Learn more about the pros and cons of AP classes versus community college classes and which option might fit better with your needs. Thinking about being pre-med in college? Learn more about being pre-med and helpful books to read as a pre-med student. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Law Definitions Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Law Definitions Review - Essay Example The essay "Law Definitions Review" presents the review of such definitions as law, policies, guidelines, strategies, and tactics. For example, the law is a rule of conduct established and enforced by the authority, legislation, or custom of a given community, state or nation. And policies govern the way in which public and private resources, eg. land, labor, and capital are used, rather than the kind and quantities of resources used. Policies could be the plans and procedures adopted by the Government for achieving pre-determined objectives for the guidance of decision and actions. This could also be said to be a plan of action adopted by the Government which lays down the parameters of its functioning and the logical reasoning behind pursuing goals, objectives, and plans for the achievement of projects or executive function. Policies differ from laws in the scope of their operationality and adherence. While laws are enforceable mandatorily, policies may be devised and used on a situ ational basis, depending upon the exigencies of the circumstances and the need for enforcing policies. Common examples of policies are Children and family health policies which may, or may not be governed by laws, The policies relating to increasing taxes, taking action for reducing alcohol consumption among young people and rehabilitation of HIV/AIDS victims may all be governed by policy decisions taken by the government. Guidelines are documents produced by the regulatory agencies to accompany the regulations and acts.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Choose an international business that interest you. Identify Essay

Choose an international business that interest you. Identify challenges in its business environment that are of current strategi - Essay Example Therefore it becomes imperative for an organization to carry out some research works prior to starting any business operation. Most of the organizations around the world depend heavily upon the market research and environmental analysis to develop preventive measures for themselves. For a growing business there are even more challenges compared to a business that has already been established. As the business unit starts to grow, along with the opportunities, various challenges also come up and then it needs a range of solutions. However solution that worked in one situation might not be suitable during another situation due to changing business environment (Infoentrepreneurs, n.d.). In addition to facing the challenges of the present day business, it has become imperative to achieve incessant developments of the organizational competencies, expertise, skills and capabilities of the employees (Sarlak, 2010, p.38). In this context of the study, the organization chosen to depict the bus iness challenges and to suggest a possible solution for the company is Aston Martin. The primary rationale behind choosing the organization is that, there have been numerous reports which illuminates that Aston Martin is faced with different types of business challenges. Thus in order to get deeper insights of the issues as well as to offer solutions to it, the study has been carried out. It will highlight the marketing and promotional strategies of Aston Martin and thereafter in-depth analysis of the internal and external environment of the company will be carried out. The next segment will identify the challenges faced by the company and possible solutions will be suggested. Finally the report will conclude highlighting the key findings and important points of the study. Nevertheless before getting into deep a brief introduction of the chosen company is presented below. Aston Martin: A Brief Overview Aston Martin Lagonda Limited or what we usually call Aston Martin is the designer , manufacturer and marketers of deluxe sports car. The company was founded in the year 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford (Pigott, 2005, p.134). It is presently headquartered at Gaydon, Warwickshire, United Kingdom. From the year 1994 to the year 2007, the company operated as a subordinate of the Ford Motor Company. The company specialized in manufacturing sports cars. As of 2010 the company had employee strength of around 1250. Also according to the reports the revenue of the company of 2010 was ?474.3 million. The major competitors of Aston Martin include SRT Viper, McLaren Nissan, Ferrari and Bugatti among the others. Aston Martin primarily targets the higher income group or elite group of customers. Likewise the company positions itself as a company that is offering value to the customers since long with unmatchable luxury and performance. The company has faced a number of issues and challenges from the time of its inception. However every time the company has successfully overcame the challenges. Challenges and resistances never depart away permanently and therefore at every point of time the company has to deal with the challenging business situations. The next half of the report will shed light on the marketing mix and the promotional techniques used by the company to carry out the operation